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Lessons from a Utah State Republican Party Convention

The first caucus I ever attended (Republican) was when my first child was a year and a half old and I was 24. I spent several hours over the previous 6 months to find out who my precinct leaders were, with no success. I told them I looked on the internet and made phone calls to former caucus chairs and they told me current information was in the phone book. I said, it'd be nice if there were more in my generation here to represent, and some technological upgrades. They said, technology is unreliable... And, indirectly, so are you. Last year, March 2016, I attended my local caucus in a new city, endured the heat of 70 bodies packed into a High school computer classroom, and volunteered to be a county delegate, secretary, and treasurer, because no one else wanted the job. Surprisingly, no one was overly concerned that I said I was a Centrist that leans Republican. Several said they are too. As any good delegate, I attended meet and greets, vetted candidates for office, asked