
Showing posts from August, 2017

Republican Party Loyalty Card

Evan McMillan tweeted: "It's now clear that Trump intended to obstruct the FBI investigation by firing Comey. How is it possible that he still has party support?" (May 2017) My answer: As  a delegate, I'm realizing that there is a "loyalty card" that people hold onto, and when they say, "the party needs to unite" they really mean "where's your loyalty card?!" This really bothers me.  Should we be loyal to our parties? Absolutely Not. That creates an environment of complacent trust in a organization that will never deserve it. Do it in your church's gospel, sure, but not here. If you study the party's history throughout American government, you'll realize that they had complete platform reversals twice. Political parties are not a concrete platform (in fact, platforms are different between local, state, and national levels, even within the same party) and the people who run them and participate in them are fluid