Republican Party Loyalty Card

Evan McMillan tweeted: "It's now clear that Trump intended to obstruct the FBI investigation by firing Comey. How is it possible that he still has party support?" (May 2017)

My answer: As a delegate, I'm realizing that there is a "loyalty card" that people hold onto, and when they say, "the party needs to unite" they really mean "where's your loyalty card?!"
This really bothers me. Should we be loyal to our parties?

Absolutely Not. That creates an environment of complacent trust in a organization that will never deserve it. Do it in your church's gospel, sure, but not here. If you study the party's history throughout American government, you'll realize that they had complete platform reversals twice. Political parties are not a concrete platform (in fact, platforms are different between local, state, and national levels, even within the same party) and the people who run them and participate in them are fluid and change ideals throughout their lives. Never vote straight party lines. 

I've noticed it on a national level as well.  What's the difference between being patriotic and playing the USA loyalty card? 

Are you truly grateful for this country's allowed freedoms or are you stubbornly sure that America is The Best at everything? America is the Best at personal freedom. But France is considered to have the best Healthcare system while Monoco, Japan, and Singapore have the longest life expectancy in the world. I would say these countries are likely the best at promoting healthy habits. And Switzerland is the best at... Should I say "foreign policy" or "military training"?

Believing that America is The Best at everything leads to making poor decisions and supporting a very bad cause. Remember the Nazis? 

Nazi supporters felt that their country was not being treated well and they felt they deserved better. In some cases that may have been true. There were a a lot of hard-line policies against Germany after WWI that played a big role in the popularity of Hitler and the unfolding of WWII. However, the citizens attitude, feelings of entitlement, anger, and country loyalty, caused a lot of awful behaviors to occur during the war. We, Americans, are not too unlike Germany at the time of WWII. Could Germany have negotiated a better situation for themselves without going to the extreme of war? 


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