The Strength of Millennials

Over the last several years, the media and older generations have come to participate in teasing and criticizing the millennial generation. There was a period of time I joined in the banter, feeling confident that I was not a "millennial."
Millennials are always texting on their phones. Millennials are piling up debt and student loans. Millennials are living at parents homes into adulthood and avoiding "adulting." Millennials aren't seeking job ladders or buying houses. They're not getting married. They're leaving the church of their childhood. But I want to share a new perspective.
Millennials have watched the lives of their parents, and have seen broken marriages, long hours at work, and felt like ignored children. They grew up in materialism, and consumerism, and wide-spread unhappiness. Millennials have experienced this and struggled through the first few years of adulthood. They have grown up and began questioning every single tradition of society and their parents.
But Millennials have a tool no other generation has had. The information of the world is just a few clicks away. Google can show them a different way to do anything.
Millennials are rejecting consumerism. Millennials are putting value in the environment. Millennials are working to reduce their landfill waste - not by buying "green", but by minimizing purchasing. Buying used. Millennials are trying to eat healthy. Not "healthy" granola bar, but vegetables and whole grains. Millennials distrust large industries and are working towards self-sufficiency. Millennials are uninterested in long hours at work. They are CHOOSING lower income jobs, so that they have time for their family - their spouse and children. They choose to budget to get out of debt and avoid having more. They plan time for travelling with their loved ones and enjoy the Earth we live on. They are living in smaller housing so they can afford the lifestyle they want. Millennials are rejecting cable television and creating content they want to see.  Millennials are sharing the things they've learned with each other and across the internet. They are creating an online community of close friendships.
Millennials are working to fix every problem in their own lives. Millennials are not on a crusade. They do it because it's right thing to do. We do it quietly. We're not going to shout because we know your not listening.


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